Tuesday 140429

The Atlanta NPFL combine took place this past weekend and Lauren Brooks pretty much stole the show. She had a front squat of 265#, a jerk of 240# and showed her versatility with a more than respectable 15 muscle ups. Congrats LB and good luck in Vegas.


Today will mark the beginning of a modified Smolov squat cycle for those of you in the Post-Season. Modified how? Well, Smolov is a high volume strength development program and we are only partially concerned with developing that part of our game right now. So we’ll do a version more appropriate for endurance-like athletes. This will also mean we will be doing less volume of some of the other lifts. But don’t fret. As goes your squat numbers, so goes all your other lift numbers. If you want to learn more about the Smolov program, the Stronglifts website has a decent write up.

1) back squat: 3×8 @ 65%, 1×5 @ 70%, 2×2 @ 75%, 1×1 @ 80%, rest 3-5 minutes

rest > 30 minutes

2) hang snatch: 15 minutes to a heavy, but not maximal, single
3) hang snatch: 6 minutes to a max for the day, 3 attempts

rest > 3 hours

“Nasty Girls V1”
3 rounds
50 squats
7 muscle-ups
10 hang cleans @ 135/95#

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